Are IT budgets on the up or down? What’s my competitor going to invest in this year? And, once and for all, where are we with digital transformation?
About the whitepaper
2020 was a rollercoaster, but now we're well into 2021 and moving on with things. So we wondered how exactly will IT will fare across this 2021 and 2022. It’s a big question and as a modern IT services company, we were very curious about what the next few years hold for our customers, IT, and the business landscape in general.
We work with lots of small and medium-sized businesses. And you know what, all too often small and medium-sized enterprises are totally overlooked in these kinds of reports. In fact, New Zealand is too. So we set out to change that… by getting our own independent research done.
What it covers
This white paper is a summary of that independent research and our own IT industry know-how. The research took place in March 2021 and it exclusively captures the views of New Zealand’s IT decision makers who own or work in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

What you can expect
The white paper explores the challenges, plans, and risks that SMEs have with their IT and digital choices. It also provides commentary and recommendations to avoid some IT and digital pitfalls. We hope it provides some insight into what other organisations are doing as well as helps SMEs to challenge their own IT and digital decisions.
A sneak peak
Here are some tasty tidbits from the white paper:
- Globally, security incidents are rising, but for small businesses very few are planning to invest in security projects.
- There was a wave of post-lockdown remediation work and difficulty getting employees to adapt to new tools.
- Despite much speculation in the media, IT budgets are increasing.
The white paper is bursting with insights and practical discussion about core business challenges and 2021/22 IT investment plans. Get your free copy below.

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