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It's easy to become enamoured with the latest tools and trends in technology services. However, 70% of technology initiatives fail to achieve their objectives. Why is that?

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Change is uncomfortable

Successful technology adoption comes down to the simplest factor: Do your people embrace or reject change? The secret to successfully introducing new technology is inspiring your people to embrace changes that will disrupt the way they work and challenge their existing knowledge.

Although famous management theorist Peter Druker never uttered the phrase, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast", it is so apt. The meaning is that any strategy not predicated on a company’s existing culture will fail unless the culture can be changed.

The trick to doing this is aligning people, processes, and technology toward common goals. From business and technology strategy to your change management approach, these three can create a culture that adapts and innovates.

Creating a change culture

To successfully adopt new technologies, It is essential to inspire your people to adapt to new ways of working and challenge their existing knowledge for successful adoption. Research from Prosci, a change management firm, demonstrates the power of change management, with 59% of participants achieving effective adoption through its methodologies.

Building a strong change culture requires open communication and trust between leaders and employees. Change initiatives should align with the company's mission and vision. Proactively addressing resistance and equipping employees with the necessary tools and resources are crucial in creating a positive and adaptable work environment.

Failure with AI is even higher

MIT Technology Review and Prosci research underscores the challenges organisations face in implementing AI. Only 9% of early AI pilots achieved widespread adoption, while 60% of executives lack a clear path to implement or adopt AI.

It's crucial to remember that AI is a technology, not a strategy. Ensure your technology strategy is a strategy, not a list of tactics.  Successful AI adoption requires a clear use case and purpose for the technology employed. Don't rush into implementation without a well-defined plan. 

The abysmal AI adoption failure rates are driven by a fear of missing out or a desire to impress stakeholders. AI is not a magic bullet. It won't automatically solve all your problems. Instead, view it as an opportunity to enhance existing processes and drive innovation.

Common change challenges

To overcome the challenges of technology adoption, organisations must address common roadblocks impacting success. These are:

  1. Resistance to change: Employees could be afraid of losing their jobs, having their routines interrupted, or having to learn new tools.

  2. Lack of clear communication: Poor communication can result from resistance, ambiguity, and confusion.

  3. Insufficient training and support: Without the right training and internal documentation, employees may struggle to use new technologies efficiently.

  4. Top-down mandates: Putting policies into place without involving employees can create resentment and hinder adoption

Overcoming the challenges

Organisations must acknowledge and address employees' diverse perspectives to overcome common obstacles to change and technology adoption. Clear communication and reassurance can help alleviate fears about the unknown impact of change. It is crucial to introduce changes in a way that avoids making employees feel threatened or uncomfortable.

To overcome these challenges and ensure successful technology adoption, organisations can:

  • Encourage a mindset of continuous learning and adaptation.

  • Maintain open and transparent communication throughout the change process.

  • Provide employees with the necessary training and resources.

  • Seek input and feedback from employees to address their concerns and build buy-in.

  • Implement changes gradually to help employees adjust to changes more easily.

To sum up

Successful technology adoption hinges on effective change management. Even though AI has great promise, organisations frequently need assistance deploying new technologies because of change aversion and insufficient planning. Fostering a culture of innovation, placing a high value on communication, making training investments, involving employees, and implementing changes gradually are all crucial to overcoming these obstacles.

Your digital partner: Dynamo6

At Dynamo6, we recognise the value of adopting technology with a thoughtful strategy. Our comprehensive technology advisory and change management services focus on aligning people, processes, and technology to ensure successful implementation. 

If you would like more information about our AI adoption services and how we can support your organisation’s success in the digital age, get in touch.


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